Since the Russian invasion, millions have fled Ukraine – including to Germany. But only a few of the refugees work. According to CDU politician Connemann, this is also due to high payments from the state. A comparison shows: There is only one country where Ukrainian refugees get more money than in Germany.
According to an analysis by the Bundestag’s Research Service, Ukrainian refugees only receive more money in one European country than in Germany. The evaluation commissioned by CDU politician Gitta Connemann is available to “Welt am Sonntag”. The numbers apply to single people.
According to “Welt”, no other countries are mentioned.
The Scientific Service points out that the figures are only comparable to a limited extent due to the different purchasing power and social systems of the countries. However, Connemann still warns the “Welt” of a “citizen money trap”. Because: “The incentive to work is too low for us. The much-heralded ‘job turbo’ doesn’t work.”
Criticism also comes from the districts. Reinhard Sager, President of the German District Council, told “Welt am Sonntag”: “We are calling for a Europe-wide harmonization of integration and social benefits, which should be based on the living and social standards of the respective member states. The high level of social benefits in this country makes Germany particularly attractive as a destination for refugees and promotes an uneven distribution of refugees within the EU.”
As of April 14, the Integration Media Service counts 1,155,581 refugees from Ukraine to Germany. Of these, around 350,000 are minors. In January 2024, 172,000 were employed subject to social security contributions. In March, around 202,000 Ukrainians were registered as unemployed.