Life Style

"People at home keep difficult": the Governor proposed to open the beaches at the first opportunity

“People at home keep difficult”: the Governor proposed to open the beaches at the...

While this can be done because of the sanitary condition of the water
As we live near the lake in Frunze: "Jaguars" of expensive houses, Gypsies from poor homes and exorbitant land prices

As we live near the lake in Frunze: “Jaguars” of expensive houses, Gypsies from...

Here want to hold a world championship in volleyball, sell houses for 120 million and was the first to disappear under high-rise houses
Continue life in isolation: what happens in Novosibirsk right now (online news)

Continue life in isolation: what happens in Novosibirsk right now (online news)

Tell everything that is happening in the city today, June 29
How to make fashionable repairs and not go broke: collected tips and best action to update the interior of the house

How to make fashionable repairs and not go broke: collected tips and best action...

The project will tell of some ceramic tiles under the tree to choose and what color of the walls suitable for the bedroom
The calm after the storm: in Novosibirsk after a rain there was an amazing double rainbow and fiery sunset

The calm after the storm: in Novosibirsk after a rain there was an amazing...

Novosibirsk has filled social networks with pictures of beautiful double rainbow and brilliant sunset
"I did not give any percent that she will survive": in Iskitim from the coronavirus has died 39-year-old nurse

“I did not give any percent that she will survive”: in Iskitim from the...

Siberian several times he was moved to intensive care, where she was twice cardiac arrest
As to the cemetery: 7 saddest photos of the empty summer patio, where instead of people walking the wind

As to the cemetery: 7 saddest photos of the empty summer patio, where instead...

Institutions have prepared them, waiting for the easing of restrictions, but there it was
Artists painted two more tram — see what they did

Artists painted two more tram — see what they did

Trams will go on the line tomorrow


clear sky
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