Life Style

To remove can't buy: simple instructions on how to permanently close the housing problem

To remove can’t buy: simple instructions on how to permanently close the housing problem

Experts of Bank Acceptance told why mortgage is better rental housing
"Trainers can go to the construction site instead of migrants": the Siberian's bitter life fitness clubs

“Trainers can go to the construction site instead of migrants”: the Siberian’s bitter life...

How the sports industry is experiencing what they the fourth month are not allowed to work? Spoiler: will do anything for work
A fatal fall in a ditch: in Toguchinskiy district killed the driver of a foreign car

A fatal fall in a ditch: in Toguchinskiy district killed the driver of a...

The accident occurred yesterday afternoon, June 16
Director Serebrennikov acknowledged head of a criminal gang

Director Serebrennikov acknowledged head of a criminal gang

He is accused of misappropriation of state million
Warm winter allowed to go Iskitim from the list of cities with the dirtiest air

Warm winter allowed to go Iskitim from the list of cities with the dirtiest...

Roshydromet also called city of the country with the highest level of pollution in the atmosphere
You have already open a cafe and annuals! The reaction of Novosibirsk on relief from Travnikova — 10 angry phrases

You have already open a cafe and annuals! The reaction of Novosibirsk on relief...

Study how the city's residents responded to the next relief in the region (and happy)
"Stunned by tube": novosibirets removed from the height of a lot of people and cars at the lake — try all counted

“Stunned by tube”: novosibirets removed from the height of a lot of people and...

The author of the video said that he was in a jam, and then he began to wonder where everyone's going
Vacation like a king: share the secrets of how to organize a picnic that will be remembered even in the winter

Vacation like a king: share the secrets of how to organize a picnic that...

Recipes the perfect picnic for after his training still have energy for rest


clear sky
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