The pastry chef from Novosibirsk made a cake in the form of a girl-Troll...
Natalia Kirichenko baking cakes since childhood, and the figures of them, she started to do a year ago
The city began to sink: a heavy downpour went on the left Bank of...
According to the city's residents, the storm was bearing down on the city from the Bugrinskij bridge
In the Novosibirsk region during the pandemic became 4 times more unemployed
So the city's residents help to find employment and pay increased benefits
What parents spend child benefits from Putin — Putin told who and how to...
Benefits of 10 thousand rubles, the state paid twice already
The Novosibirsk zoo for the third time to get the money to help the...
Soon the institution will transfer to 36.4 million rubles
Repair to Bolshevik: in the direction of the campus will be removed stop
Public transport will not be staying there from July 30
Authorities announced another auction for the reconstruction of the dam of the October bridge...
The work was estimated at 741 million roubles
New sad record in NSO from the coronavirus died 7 people
In total, the region recorded 218 deaths
Coronavirus found 107 residents of the Novosibirsk region
In total, the region identified 9 140 cases kovida
The anniversary of the district online: in 2020, the area “Light” celebrates its 10th...
The festivities were held in the new format