
Study funding : government wants to increase the Bafög until 2020

The Federal government wants to increase with a new law, the Bafög. The maximum rate of support for pupils and students is...

Solidarity surcharge: the prosperity of new earn

Yeah, what now? When looking at the economy, it feels Bouncing back and forth on the high seas. Never has there been...

Weapons industry: German defense exports dropped by almost a quarter

The German defence industry has exported last year for the first time, military equipment and weapons for less than five billion euros....

Exit strategy from coal: coal regions are to receive long-term support from the Federal...

The Federal government has said the coal-exit regions particularly affected the long-term financial assistance. This Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), after...

Car industry: Volkswagen and Ford announce collaboration

Volkswagen and Ford have agreed to a worldwide Alliance – but first of all on the division of the light commercial vehicles...

Crisis meeting on the train: “It could be concrete”

Crisis meeting to rail Against the Tardiness of Ministers of transport, Andreas Scheuer has talked with executives of the Deutsche Bahn about the necessary...

Federal statistical office: German economy growth weakens

German economic growth has received in the past year, a shock. The gross domestic product (GDP) increased year-on-year by 1.5 percent, the...

Tariff policy: the warning strike hits up to 220,000 passengers

Collective disputes - Strikes at eight airports, including the airports of Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Dresden, security personnel is on strike. Over 200,000...

Food: EU court of auditors criticized the lack of food control

foods must be checked from the point of view of the top of the EU auditors to better chemicals. The EU rules...

Constitutional court Tilts now Hartz IV?

sanctions against Hartz IV recipients constitutional? This question has to deal with on Tuesday in Karlsruhe, the Federal constitutional court. After all,...


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