Vodafone grants the O2 provider Telefónica access to its cable network, to obtain from the EU Commission, the permit for the Acquisition of German cable group Unitymedia. A corresponding agreement, both companies announced. Telefónica Germany should use the merged cable network in Germany, but only if, the Brussels competition authorities approved the Unitymedia Acquisition, it said.
to be able to better with the former monopolist Telekom to compete, wants to buy Vodafone for 18.4 billion Euro, the cable business Liberty Global in Germany and Eastern Europe. The Opening of the high-speed broadband network for the O2 provider Telefónica is now to convince the EU anti-trust guardian. Market leader Telekom rejects the Fusion and was critical to the well presented concessions from Vodafone. No, the only additional would be built in broadband in Germany and, possibly, the Expansion of fibre to the home is braked, said a Telekom spokesman.
The agreement allows Telefónica Germany, the cable networks of Vodafone and Unitymedia, in the future, 23.7 million cable households, except for the fixed network with high-speed Internet and Internet-based TV services. Although Telefónica Germany, the telecommunications Association VATM, according to the mobile with a market share of almost a quarter in this country in second place behind market leader Telekom and ahead of Vodafone. In the case of fixed network broadband connections, the provider comes to mind so far, only a share of under six per cent. The wholesale agreement with Telefónica Germany will boost competition in Germany now, said Vodafone chief Executive Nick Read.
The Competition overseer of the EU want their decision to 9. July cases. Both Deutsche Telekom and Telefónica voiced concerns against the billion acquisition. With the cable networks of Unitymedia, Vodafone could offer as well as the Telecom with the own cable network a nationwide offer. The Telefónica Deutschland customers should be provided with the access to the network, download speeds of up to 300 megabits per second and thus a faster access than DSL connections of the Deutsche Telekom.