Fast 900 Container stehen am 01.12.2017 auf dem Gelände der Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte für Geflüchtete auf dem Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin. In das Containerdorf, den sogenannten Tempohomes, ziehen Anfang Dezember die ersten Flüchtlinge ein. Die 256 Appartements aus je drei Containern auf dem Vorfeld des ehemaligen Flughafen Tempelhof bieten abgeschlossene Wohneinheiten mit Küche und Bad Platz für insgesamt 1.024 Flüchtlinge. Foto: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa ++ +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Refugees are to move into the Tempohomes at Tempelhof Airport again from Friday. First of all, they want to fill 275 places and gradually increase them, said Stefan Strauss, spokesman for integration senator Katja Kipping (left).

A total of 740 people can be accommodated there. Apparently, the district of Tempelhof-Schoeneberg has not yet been officially informed about the reoccupation. He knows nothing about it, says City Councilor for Health Oliver Schworck (SPD) at the request of the Tagesspiegel.

As reported, there are problems with the drinking water supply. The Tempohomes were taken out of service for the first time at the end of 2019. A new use from March 2020 failed. Germs had formed in the water pipes.

After two years of vacancy, refugees lived in the containers from February to the end of March this year. Drinking water was provided in bottles. Even the shower heads had been removed, as there is a high risk of inhaling legionella germs when showering.

Pregnant women and children were not allowed to be accommodated in the containers. This restriction should not exist now, showers should also be possible again. Drinking water is again supplied in bottles.

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“We do not consider it acceptable to operate containers without a water connection at these temperatures. In an absolute emergency, accommodation for a few days may be acceptable,” says Schworck. However, he could currently see no emergency in the accommodation.

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It has not yet been clarified how long-term a supply of drinking water is to be guaranteed. “We are on the subject of drinking water supply on the basis of a report in coordination with the health department of Tempelhof-Schöneberg,” says Strauss.

According to Schworck, underground laying of the drinking water pipes that previously ran above ground is an option: “But this will take some time,” he said.