The beard care depends in the first line of Beard you prefer. Almost half of all German men wearing a beard. With beard forms one differentiates between the following main types, which require your carrier, different care:

Three-day-beard, full mustache

beard Every Beard needs to be maintained regularly, but the easiest way to care for a full beard. This only needs to be treated once a week in a professional manner. Chin Puffs or Straps, in contrast, have to be brought in daily in the Form. Important the contour is at every Bart: they should accurately be shaved, or else the Beard looks unkempt. Regular exfoliation of the shaved skin prevents Ingrown beard hairs.

Beard and trim With scissors or machine?

The first question at the right beard care relates to the optimal tool. It is decisive for the result. Beard hair grows about 0.5 mm a day, which is why you need to regularly be in shape. A beard-scissors, gives you more control over the result. However, it must be very sharp, strong beard hair cut effortlessly.

Also, you need a beard comb that guides the scissors. A beard trimmer will get the job done much faster, but can cut quickly to a lot of. A good beard trimmer can be easily adjusted in length. For the maintenance of a full beard, the combination of scissors and a beard trimmer is recommended.

Important: A beard trimmer must be easy-from stubble to clean. Ideal beard trimmer can be rinsed under the faucet.

In the FOCUS Online Smooth legs, hairy chest? This hair comes in women best to Three-day-Beard,

men love Three-day beards. They are easy to maintain, but must be constantly trimmed. This Beard makes men masculine appear and soft faces angular shapes. The length of the Whiskers is up to five millimeters. Men with sparse beard growth should do without this Beard.

A beard trimmer brings all of your facial hair easily to the desired length. Proceed cautiously and set the length of your trimmer after shorter and shorter. Important is the contour in this Look. Hair should be put on top of the cheeks and neck shaved off. The Transition between smooth skin and Beard should work fluently.


During a Three-day-Beard, trimmed on all three days in the Form, demanded a full beard only once per week after proper care. After Washing and Combing, you bring the full beard with a scissors to rough in the shape. To inform you the beard hair with a comb repeatedly against the direction of growth, to capture wild hair.

Then they devote themselves to the sideburns, the comb against the direction of growth. You should fluently pass into the Beard. The upper lip beard comb down and cut the length with the beard trimmer along the upper edge of the lip.

Important Detail: The contour

The upper contour of the full beard determines how well-groomed he looks. You shave this contour as the contour of the neck against the direction of growth. Pay special attention to the hair in the neck and jaw area, where the Beard usually grows very dense. To align the hair with the comb and cut with the beard trimmer in good shape.


The mustache is a classic beard shape that has evolved over the centuries, many modes and variations. A mustache comb first down. With the beard trimmer you are trimming all the Whiskers along the lip shape. Then comb the hair upwards and check whether the length is right. A mustache, you should piece once a week.

What man in the beard care

should note, of Course, it is all well and good, if you bring your Beard in perfect shape. However, it can look superficial, without proper care, you will have in the long term, nothing from him.

The experts Tarik Ari and Matteo Trisoglio have to do every day with the Hair of the man and know exactly what you need to get your Beard shiny and smooth. A detailed report, the two deliver in the free E-Book “a man, A Beard: a guide to Trends, care & Co”.

The trained Barbers recommend, for example, that you should clean the Beard in the morning with lukewarm water. The pores will open under the hair significantly better. On the other, you can apply a lighter beard shampoo and a hair comb to distribute.

It is important to clean the Beard on a regular basis. This ensures that it remains pliable and doesn’t look shaggy. At the same time, removing scales and residues of any previously used Styling products to the skin.

care-accessories: Three things, the splendor of each beard brauchtBartölBartwachsBartwichse

Bartöl you need to take care of your Hair. Wax and Wank on the other hand, in order to bring them properly in the Form. Just then, if you have a fancy Beard, you should not do without these products.

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