Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Federal constitutional court - the constitutional court reviewed the banking supervision by the ECB Before the constitutional court, negotiations on the banking Union. The supervision of banks by the ECB is in breach of the basic law, argue the...
US President Donald Trump has practiced in an Interview, criticized the leadership of General Motors. The Management of the largest US-American car manufacturer had announced, and to close, among other things, a location in the state of...
Cecilia Albrecht, the widow of Aldi co-founder Theo Albrecht is dead. She was 91 years old. She had been buried in the closest family circle, beige, said a spokesman for Aldi Nord. Cäcilies husband Theo...
The American car group General Motors (GM) wants to mine in North America, 14.700 Points in production and administration. By the end of 2020, an annual six billion dollars are to be saved, the company said. The...
The work of the German coal Commission will also continue in January 2019. How the German press Agency learned from the circles of the Commission, does not want to submit to the panel this week its final...
Contents page 1 — get Ready for the descent page 2 — eyes on the German car industry! Page 3 — "Overheating" is the name of the phenomenon page 4 — "The turning point" On a page read...
Study - US authorities warn of damage caused by climate change climate change could cost the U.S. economy hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a report by the U.S. authorities. Already now, consequences such as more frequent storms,...
Contents page 1 climate policy of the Federal government to court page 2 climate change, a massive human rights problem On a page to read words of Warning from environmentalists, Appeals of EU politicians, the claims of Climate...
Contents page 1 — The backyard, the Fast Fashion page 2 — No public criticism page 3 — Calvin Klein in the pile of clothes On a page second-hand clothes read buy, especially the poor? This impression is...
Carsten Brückner is a specialist lawyer for tenancy and condominium law, and for ten years Chairman of the national Association Haus & Grund Berlin, representing in the capital, around 9,000 owners. You are part of private apartment...


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