Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Toyota makes up its cooperation with the German environmental aid will expire. The company spokesman Thomas scarf, Berger said TIME ONLINE, and thus confirmed a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The group had worked for twenty...
Contents page 1 — Poland, coal is scarce and expensive, page 2 — renewables are cheaper On a page coal exit reading can be a lot of fun. For example, in the brand new leisure pool, the town...
Against the Backdrop of the US President Donald Trump threatened special duties on car imports will meet this Tuesday, Manager of German auto companies, members of the US government to engage in talks at the White house....
The German armaments group Rheinmetall's supplies of Saudi Arabia, a media report says that despite the German export stops with ammunition. As the star and the ARD Munich magazine Report reports, running deliveries to subsidiaries in Italy...
Europe's Finance Ministers have agreed on a Reform of the currency Union. The tweeted the spokesperson of Euro-groups-chief Mário Centeno, as well as Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz. "What lasts long, becomes finally good. After nearly 16...
Germany and France want to enforce with a joint compromise proposal, the controversial digital tax in Europe. A sales tax of three percent on online advertising revenues should be decided to March 2019 and January 2021 to...
Superficial what is heard on the this year's climate summit is pretty dull: It's in Katowice, especially for technical questions. The delegations from almost 200 countries to 14. December will be agreed, by which rules the climate...
In the budget dispute, the Italian government is now ready to of the EU Commission. Instead of a deficit of 2.4 percent of the economic power for 2019 Italy now offers a 2.0 per cent or 1.9...
Qatar wants to leave the organization of petroleum exporting countries (Opec) after 57 years. As energy Minister Sherida al-Kaabi in Doha announced that the membership of the Emirate in Opec in January 2019. According to the state...
Contents page 1 — nasty Hartz IV? Page 2 — The vast majority is not affected page 3 — Should you leave the Call? Page 4 — For the under-25-Year-old is especially tough On a page to read ...


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