Global News Editor

Global News Editor
It is perhaps the most famous sentence in the history of economic science. "In the long run we are all dead" John Maynard Keynes once noted. Those Economists who look only to the distant future, accused Keynes,...
the US President Donald Trump is a "Space Force" called space-want to start the army, I learned on YouTube. On my Laptop I have looked at some of the Star Wars movies. And since I moved in...
Contents page 1 — It is a Farce, page 2 — Still there is hope On one side to read the United Kingdom failed due to the complexity of the Brexits for the time being. Otherwise you can...
Contents page 1 — "We must show the citizens not only cupping" page 2 — "Ideal would be a minimum price of 35 Euro per ton of CO2" page 3 — "The people how to get out of the...
In an international climate protection comparison has lost Germany and other places. This is the result of the environmental organizations Germanwatch and the NewClimate Institute, in its annual climate protection Index, published during the climate change conference...
Contents page 1 — current page 2 the case grew — "In the electricity market is wild" On a page to read Actually, Martin Baier is no one who can be easily mislead. The 70-Year-old lives in a...
Against the past three weeks, in jail former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn as well as the group itself is levied in Japan on charges of violation of stock exchange requirements. This is the company announced in Tokyo,...
All of the questions in the Overview: I Am bound to come in spite of the strikes to work on time? What it means in this case "reasonable"? Is the name of the higher...
The annual sale of military goods and services has increased for the third Time in a row. As the Stockholm peace research Institute (Sipri) announced that sold the world's 100 largest defence companies in the year 2017...
about two weeks before Christmas, there will be Delays in the whole of Germany and -default. The railway and transport Union (EVG) has announced nationwide Strikes starting on Monday, travelers and commuters should expect on Monday morning...


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