Global News Editor

Global News Editor
2018 are not built enough housing and the pressure on the real estate market. "We should create in the current year, about 300,000 homes," said Reinhard Quast, President of the Central Association of the German construction industry....
The traditional Christmas dinner is roast pork with red cabbage and caramelized potatoes. As a Snack, to watch TV, one likes to buy Flæskesvær – in pork fat fried pork rinds. Denmark is a country of farmers...
The French government assumes a higher level of debt in the coming year. Due to the recent concessions to the so-called yellow the West, the deficit will rise to 3.2 percent of economic output, said the Prime...
Contents page 1 — The last move-page 2 — home also retirement page 3 is — Many owners overestimate the value of their real estate On a page This is the easiest Exercise, know Nicolas Kring, as he...
in the Middle of the Christmas business have paid employees in two locations of the shipping retailer Amazon their work. The strike had begun in the night, and should part take several days. A spokesman for the...
Contents page 1 — Now the Swiss are gone, finally. However, the Germans miss you page 2 — shopping is a political page 3 — is the time of The Swiss shopping centres expired page 4 — Ans linger,...
The Federal government has agreed to a newspaper report on more stringent rules for the acquisition of shares in German companies by foreign investors. Thus, in safety-relevant areas is to be lowered the threshold at which the...
Contents page 1 — Where life disappears-page 2 — The lake Chad evaporates page 3 — tons of carbon and tons of ice-cream page 4 — A 30-million-city is sinking in the sea On a page documentary filmmaker...
This is his Chance. On a Wednesday in November, Olaf Scholz, enters the Senate hall of the Humboldt-University in Berlin. He embarks on a historical Terrain. For almost twenty years, the University of personalities of public life...
Contents page 1 — The climate protection needs the Drama page 2 — dispute, Haggling and agreement at the last Minute On a page to read climate summit are a paradoxical event. Since 24 years, thousands of delegates...


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