Global News Editor

Global News Editor
The Discounter Aldi Nord is a success story actually. No matter whether in Germany, France or Poland, the low-cost providers. But just on the home market there are now problems: for the First time in its more...
Contents page 1 — Rent-a-tree the hot Shit, page 2 is — is Still the Biobaum is more of a Rarity On a page to read two years Ago, a week before Christmas, came Waldemar with the vans....
Due to the good economic situation, public debt in Germany in the third quarter of 2018 have fallen further. The Federal government, Länder, municipalities and social insurance, including all of the extra households were indebted at the...
Deutsche Bahn has shortly before Christmas limited in your payment options when purchasing online tickets. Background according to the group "strengthened fraudulent activities". Rail customers can pay until Further notice, no saver fare Tickets by direct debit...
The data scandal and the company Cambridge Analytica has caught up with Facebook. The company of Mark Zuckerberg has been sued because of a Data breach from the attorney General of the US capital, Washington. ...
The U.S. Federal Reserve has increased for the fourth Time this year, the key interest rate. They increased the interest rate by a quarter point to the new target corridor of 2.25 percent to 2.5 percent. In...
The Federal court of justice (BGH) has declared an investigation on contribution increases in the private health insurance to be legal. Such increases could not only be explained, therefore, null and void because of a statutory Trustee...
the preparations for The launch of the controversial toll for Cars in Germany. The two operating companies are: The contract to a consortium receives from the Austrian toll system provider Kapsch TrafficCom and the German concert promoter...
black forest ham can, in principle, be required, this is cut in the black forest, and Packed. This should constitute a "necessary and proportionate" in order to safeguard the quality or ensure the origin of the protected...
The Federal government has decided stricter rules for the acquisition of shares in German companies in sensitive areas. At its Cabinet meeting they decided on a Change of the external economic regulation. Had aspired, Federal Minister Peter...


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