Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Contents page 1 — "We don't suck as a status symbol," page 2 — "Vegan is the same in a sustainable way" On a page Manufactum was founded in 1987 – four years after the Greens were for...
Contents page 1 — Housing and capitalism: do they go together? Page 2 — The state is too> sluggish On a page <p class="article article__item" read The housing crisis in some cities is so acute, that even more radical...
The Berlin-based company Delivery Hero sold its food services Foodora delivery, delivery hero, and The shops here go for around 930 million euros to the competitors The Dutch already operate the Portal ...
What's makes Christmas a success? If you believe the statistics, gifts in value of almost 500 euros, in any case, a Nordmann fir as a Christmas tree, tons of goose meat, kilometers-long traffic jams on the highway...
Contents page 1 — The Christmas village-page 2 — the Only light was Erika page 3 — The diversity fades On a page to read Wolfgang Glöckner finds no rest. It's his first Christmas without work. It is...
Contents page 1 — my data – and quadrupled from 86 other customers page 2 — fear of identity theft page 3 — privacy complaints almost On a page : Among other things, these articles are to be found...
VW is planning to cut at the sites in Emden and Hannover up to 7,000 jobs. Background the production of electric cars, the company wants to bring forward. Since the production of the vehicles is considered to...
For months now the country of purchase and the consumer goods group argue Unilever to price increases. Now the country of purchase has decided to take the products of the Anglo-Dutch group, in all of its 660...
Contents page 1 — Power and powerlessness of the profiteers page 2 — The cities of the modernisation often does not make page 3 — Expensive plots of land, different building codes On a page is one of...
collective agreements may provide trade Union members in trade unions organized workers better. This is not contrary to the basic law, decided by the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe published decision. The highest German court rejected a...


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