Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Apple has for the first time missed since the invention of the iPhone, its sales forecast. The Christmas business of the American company delivery worse than expected. For the three months to 29. December 2018, Apple computing,...
in Short: it decreases – at least if you look at the right statistics. As erwerbsarm a worker, is poor, although he is doing a work among experts. The reason for in-work poverty is often that the...
The number of persons employed in Germany increased by 2018 to a record level. According to provisional calculations of the Federal Statistical office, approximately 44.8 million people had an annual average employment in Germany. It has the...
The trade Union ver.di calls on Wednesday to strike at the cash-in-transit companies. The Cash transactions in Germany would be disturbed thereby, "significantly," announced the Union. Many banks and retailers would get after the holidays you do...
The Federal government has argued in the past year? That's not true. In some points it was extremely productive. With the turn of the year a number of new laws in the labour market-, Social -, but...
The 1.5-degree-report of the world climate Council, which was published in the autumn, has made it clear once again: If we want to stop the climate crisis, we need to hurry and we need our way of...
A Japanese court. The district court in Tokyo upheld the claim of the Prosecutor's office, for more than a month in custody-seated car Manager to 11. To interrogate January. make An appointment for a trial...
Venice may in the future charge a kind of entrance fee from tourists. The revised draft budget the Italian government approved on Sunday by the Parliament in Rome. Tourists could then have to pay according to season...
In the best end-of-year tradition, the theme comes up again: fireworks ban or not? After riots in the centre in the past year, about Hanover, exiled this time, blast and missiles from the places in the city...
The topic of Housing is one of the great social issues of our time. TIME ONLINE will focus on the situation on the German housing market. This map of Germany is part of the series. ...


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