Global News Editor

Global News Editor
world Bank President Jim Yong Kim wants to use his office to 1. February in advance. The world Bank announced and confirmed so that appropriate reports. Reasons for the step were not called. The Bank should be...
The people in the UK have bought in 2018, almost seven percent fewer cars. The demand on the car market dropped so sharply since the financial crisis, preliminary data from the automobile Association SMMT. The demand fell,...
in view of the declining protection of workers through collective bargaining agreements of the German trade Union Federation (DGB) is calling for the bonuses to Union members. Employees should be rewarded if they contribute by their membership...
Contents page 1 — The new Marianne page 2 — Symbol of this revolt On a page In the community hall of the small town of Louviers in Normandy read has set Ingrid levavasseur in the last row...
China has a debt problem. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the economy grew vigorously. However, this growth was at the cost of excessive investment on Pump. The public, households and businesses are in debt today. How...
The approximately 12,000 employees of the cash-in-transit industry in Germany, more money: The trade Union to get clear ver.di and the employer have agreed on a new collective bargaining agreement, with retroactive effect to 1. January for...
In December last year, the number of unemployed has fallen in Germany, the lowest monthly value since 1991. As the Federal employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg, were 2.21 million people out of work. Compared to the...
Contents page 1 — The crisis is not only in China, page 2 — Apple's dependence on the iPhone On a page read a few months ago, Apple reached a peak in the company's history. The US group...
In cities and municipalities have summed up overdue investments in the past year to the record value of 159 billion euros. Bridges and roads are crumbling down, large-scale projects such as airports were delayed, said the President...
The share of renewable energy in the public power mix continues to increase. This is evident from the annual evaluation for the production of electricity in Germany, which was presented by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar energy...


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