Global News Editor

Global News Editor
The Federal government has said the coal-exit regions particularly affected the long-term financial assistance. This Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), after a Meeting of the affected Federal States with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and several...
Volkswagen and Ford have agreed to a worldwide Alliance – but first of all on the division of the light commercial vehicles limited. Starting in 2022, the corporations want to begin to jointly develop Transporter-and medium-sized Pick-ups,...
Crisis meeting to rail Against the Tardiness of Ministers of transport, Andreas Scheuer has talked with executives of the Deutsche Bahn about the necessary improvements. Concrete measures have not been decided. © Photo: Paul Zinken The top round...
German economic growth has received in the past year, a shock. The gross domestic product (GDP) increased year-on-year by 1.5 percent, the Federal statistics office. In the years 2017 and 2016, the growth was 2.2 per cent....
Collective disputes - Strikes at eight airports, including the airports of Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Dresden, security personnel is on strike. Over 200,000 travellers could be affected. © Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters travelers should expect on Tuesday at...
foods must be checked from the point of view of the top of the EU auditors to better chemicals. The EU rules were overloaded and the EU States, with the food controls overwhelmed, criticized the European court...
sanctions against Hartz IV recipients constitutional? This question has to deal with on Tuesday in Karlsruhe, the Federal constitutional court. After all, to be deleted due to the power cuts to parts of or the whole of...
Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), wants to accelerate the introduction of a basic pension and which is already in the coalition Treaty are the vertices in the next few months to implement. This is the...
With a jerk, the silvery-orange robotic arm in motion, lifts a metal part in the height and puts it on a treadmill. The machine used by Volkswagen in vehicle manufacture, without the robot and the Computer, nothing...
The Chinese foreign trade has slowed against the Background of the trade dispute between the United States and China at the end of last year. The measured in US dollars, exports declined in December compared to the...


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