Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Who makes in the Saarland his tax return, can be expected in a nationwide comparison, the fastest with a refund. This is evident from an analysis of over 300,000 anonymised tax returns, which were created via the...
Overview: 1. A recession is coming now? 2. What is the role of the car industry? 3. What are the government plans? 4. Got to Spend the state's money? 1. A recession is coming now? It looks like...
Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) wants to evaluate the proposed approach for a Coal phase-out in ten years. A verification mechanism around the year 2030 around to serve the safe power supply, said Altmaier. "Up to the...
The U.S. electric car manufacturer Tesla has announced a reduction of seven per cent. The "other way is very difficult," wrote CEO Elon Musk in an E-Mail to employees. Tesla hope to generate in the current quarter,...
Contents page 1 — "Sometimes I have a Nötli in my pocket" page 2 — "I have two Pair of shoes" On a page The gatekeeper read opens the heavy wooden door, leads through to the cloister of...
The Italian government has decided to promise the implementation of two Central choice. This is the so-called citizens ' income and pension reform, in particular, contribute significantly to the higher state deficit in the country. The minimum...
The US authorities want to move in connection with the exhaust gas scandal, now four Manager of the VW subsidiary, Audi for accountability. The men in the lawsuit are accused of writing, in twelve cases of conspiracy,...
The Federal government wants to increase with a new law, the Bafög. The maximum rate of support for pupils and students is to rise from the winter semester of 2019 of € 735 in two levels by...
Yeah, what now? When looking at the economy, it feels Bouncing back and forth on the high seas. Never has there been more Jobs, but growth is declining. Many exporters lose their optimism, and the industrial production...
The German defence industry has exported last year for the first time, military equipment and weapons for less than five billion euros. Overall, the Federal government approved of 2018 almost a quarter less arms exports than the...


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