Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to increase the pensions of millions of low-wage earners. The coalition government argues about the Details, but in principle, it is agreed that those Who worked 35 or more...
Apple has agreed with France on a payment of tax arrears. The US group confirmed corresponding media reports, without mentioning an exact sum. The company merely stated to be "proud" of his contribution to the French economy....
Airline - Germania insolvency, The airline Germania has suspended the operation of the aircraft. Not all the passengers would have a claim to compensation for transport, said CEO Karsten Balke. © Photo: Paul Hanna/Reuters The German airline Germania...
the accelerated Expansion of renewable energies according to calculations by the network operator, a further two North-South high voltage lines is necessary. This is one of the new network development plan the network operator 50Hertz, Amprion, Tennet...
Contents page 1 — Pretty-dependent country-page 2 — USA as a production location to tax page 3 — The expectations of the Trump-Xi summit are high On a page It is once again the big impact. At the...
Despite the debate, the pollutant emissions of diesel engines, Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) continues to draw on the technology. Especially in rural areas, "the Diesel of the future and will have the Diesel for...
Porsche works Council chief Uwe Hück, has announced his resignation. "I want to go into politics," said the 56-Year-old during a staff meeting in Stuttgart. In the municipal elections this year, he wants to let in Pforzheim,...
Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to increase the pensions of millions of low-wage earners. The coalition government argues about the Details, but in principle, you agree that anyone Who has worked for decades, and...
the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD), expects for the coming years with a larger financial gap. Due to the poorer economic Outlook and rising household expenditures were missing in the Federal government by 2023, a total...
failed Because of a Strike of ground staff at the Hamburg airport at least 58 flights. 31 of 194 departures, and 27 of 194 landings had been cancelled, informed the operator of the Helmut-Schmidt-airport. According to the...


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