History 29/12/19 Andrei Sverdlov: what 2 times arrested the son of the famous revolutionary
As rightly noted by Vadim Kozhinov, author of “the Truth of Stalinist repression”, many relatives of Yakov Sverdlov, for one reason or another ended up in the camp. And only the son of a revolutionary managed to avoid this fate. Despite the fact that Andrey Yakovlevich at least twice was arrested both times he came out unscathed.
“Kobu need to kill”
writes Roy Medvedev in his book “They surrounded Stalin,” Andrei Sverdlov was barely 8 years old when his father died. If to trust Medvedev, immediately after high school, Sverdlov, Jr., was sent in a rather strange trip to Argentina, ostensibly to study languages. There Andrey Yakovlevich spent more than a year. After returning home in 1929, he entered the Moscow State University, but after a few months was transferred to auto-tractor Institute, and then in the Military Academy of mechanized forces of the red army. The latter Sverdlov still graduated. Diploma of higher education he received in 1935 and almost immediately after, he was arrested for the first time.
it is Noteworthy that the case involving Andrei Sverdlov, was more than serious. Bald Boris gives in his book “Red August Russia” excerpt from Protocol of interrogation of B. N. Rosenfeld, a nephew of Kamenev, who said that in one of conversations with friends, Sverdlov said, “Kobu (i.e. Stalin) it is necessary to kill”. However, Sverdlov not only released on all four sides, but was reinstated in the service. Under the assumptions of Roy Medvedev, the reason for this turn of events was the fact that Andrew had already cooperated with the authorities. Rather, he led a provocative conversations to identify “unreliable” individuals. It is in order to take away from Sverdlov Junior suspected him and placed him behind bars in for the second time in 1937.
the Executioner or the victim?
as an indirect evidence of the correctness of Roy Medvedev can lead to the fact that the arrests had no effect on the career of Andrei Sverdlov. According to Vadim Kozhinov, author of “the Truth of Stalin’s repressions”, Andrey Yakovlevich served in the NKVD since the beginning of the 1930-ies. However, Oleg Smyslov in the publication “General Abakumov. The executioner or the victim?” writes that officially at work in the NKVD Sverdlov were 1938, that is after the second detention. Based on the foregoing, the conclusion is that during the re-determination of Sverdlov could simply break to be inclined to cooperation. By the way, on this version insisted and the wife of Andrei Sverdlov, Nina Podolska.
whatever it was, the career of Andrey Sverdlov was indeed quite rapid: from a simple security officer, he quickly rose to Deputy chief of special Department “K” (counter-intelligence). However, Andrey Yakovlevich did not hesitate, and simple investigative work. At least, the same Oleg Smyslov mentions the testimony of many victims of the investigator Sverdlov. So, repressed Colonel Meshcheryakov claimed that the son of a revolutionary at one blow knocked out his 6 teeth. Other former prisoners have told that on the orders of Sverdlov the guards placed a hand interrogated in the doorway, after which Andrey Yakovlevich closed the door, the unfortunate breaking several fingers.
confession and again the freedom
meanwhile, such “diligence” did not save Andrei Sverdlov from another arrest. He was detained in the early 1950-ies by the so-called “case of Zionist conspiracy”. It is noteworthy that, if you believe Chumbarovo Valery, the author of the book “the Fifth column” and the Russian Church. A century of persecutions and schisms”, Sverdlov, Jr. pleaded guilty. Andrey Yakovlevich agreed that, together with his colleagues, he was involved in sabotage in KGB bodies, and kept the enemy’s literature and firearms. Despite the recognition, soon Sverdlov was again at liberty.
Then the power came Nikita Khrushchev. In connection with the debunking of Stalin’s personality cult to the Prosecutor’s office started to receive applications from citizens about the atrocities that were repaired investigator Andrew Swallow in the 1930-ies. However, according to Shambarova, all these statements laid down “under cloth”. This is despite the fact that Andrey Yakovlevich continued to work in the USSR. However, later he was transferred to “scientific work”. In the last years of his life Sverdlov was engaged in literature. In collaboration with other writers and self-he wrote several novels. However, Sverdlov was published solely under pseudonyms: Alexander Yakovlev or Yakov Naumov.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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