After a slight decline in 2020 due to corona, more people were deported from Brandenburg again last year or left the state voluntarily.
This emerges from the answers from the Ministry of the Interior in Potsdam to inquiries from the state parliamentary groups of the left and the AfD. According to this, a total of 177 people from Brandenburg were deported to other countries in 2021, 17 more than in the previous year. The number of voluntary departures, supported to a lesser extent with severance payments, even rose by 94 to 489 year-on-year.
On the other hand, return transfers under the Dublin procedure continued to decline. In 2019, 136 refugees from Brandenburg were sent back to the EU countries to which they had first entered. In 2020 there were 79 asylum seekers and last year only 40. The Dublin Agreement is intended to ensure that every asylum application is only examined in one EU country.
According to the information, 4549 people were registered in Brandenburg at the end of March this year as being enforceable to leave the country, 87 more than at the end of 2021. At the end of June 2021 there were still 4096.
According to the Interior Ministry, the largest group of people deported last year, 50 people, came from Georgia. Pakistan followed in second place with 20 refugees, followed by Serbia with 17. In the Dublin return transfers, 27 people came from the Russian Federation.
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Of the emigrants who received financial support for a new start in their return countries in 2021, 41 came from the Russian Federation. 109 people who left Brandenburg without support were Ukrainian citizens.