"Hammer and sickle": why is the main symbol of the USSR consider it as a Masonic sign

History 28/01/20 “hammer and Sickle”: why is the main symbol of the USSR consider it as a Masonic sign

We are surrounded by different symbols: road signs, labels on goods, logos of organizations, coats of arms and flags. At first glance they all look normal, but if you look closely, you can see the hidden messages in the form of Norse runes, astrological or magical characters. A well-known symbol of the Union of workers and peasants “hammer and Sickle” is not so simple. The heraldry experts see it as an obvious connection with Masonic doctrine, as well as an indication of pagan gods.

the author of the symbol

Evgeniy Kamzolkin (1885-1957), was a noted artist, photographer and decorator. He was born in the capital of a merchant family, graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture.

This man was constantly interested in the unknown. In the early twentieth century, a young artist became interested in the innovative for that time the art of photography. His work has been presented in Turin at the international exhibition of 1907.

But, in addition to the photography hobby, in the life of Eugene kamzolkin there was another passion — Ancient Egypt with its mysterious mythology and history. Not a coincidence he wrote a lot of paintings devoted to this country. The most famous work of the artist: “Egyptian”, “the Feast of the king of Assyria”, “battle”, “In the name of Ramses”.

It Kamzolkin E. I. in 1918 he proposed a new Bolshevik government . the symbol “hammer and Sickle”. For the first time this sign was used in the first festive decoration of the Zamoskvoretsky district of the capital. There, at a local theater, after the October revolution and worked as an artist, creating scenery for productions.

In 1920, Yevgeny Ivanovich decided to help the homeless. He moved to the home of his grandparents, located in the town of Pushkino, taught drawing pupils of local children’s colony.

within the historical project of “Rodina” to 100-anniversary of the creation of the symbol observer “the Russian newspaper” Artem Lokalov published an article, “the hammer and Sickle. Birch and Easter” in “the Russian newspaper”. In it, he quoted the Director of the Museum of the city of Pushkino Oleg Boyko: “the first Soviet may day, it was the wish of city Council — to represent the symbols of the new government. By that time, there were different combinations scythe and sickle, plough and sickle. But it Kamzolkin got to the point”.

And this artist never participated in the revolutionary events, never joined the Communist party. In General, his political views remain unknown to researchers. Although Evgeny was never a recluse. In 1906 he joined the Society of Leonardo da Vinci, and in 1923 was one of the founders of the Association of artists “Fire-color”, which included such well-known painters like K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, N. E. Lansere, and M. V. Dobuzhinsky, and others.

hammer and Sickle

a Specialist in Soviet heraldry Vladimir Kisses wrote the book “coats of Arms of the USSR. The history of development” in which he paid great attention to the symbol of “hammer and Sickle”. According to the official version, it represents the unbreakable Union of workers of workers and peasants. This sign was the main state emblem of the Soviet Union, and today it can be seen on the attributes of the various Communist movements.

in the nineteenth century, many of the proletarian organizations of Europe have chosen hammer to denote their belonging to the working class. A sickle was used before the revolution on the arms of some Russian cities as a symbol of harvest and agricultural work.

the Emblem was officially adopted as the personification of the Union of workers and peasants, on 10 July 1918 at the fifth all-Russian Congress of Soviets. Since then, she was portrayed everywhere: on the arms of all Soviet republics, on the buildings of enterprises, on letterheads, on coins and bills, publications, etc.

the Russian Freemasons

However, not so clear. According to some researchers, the coat of arms of the Soviet Union was the symbol of the occult movement of “Freemasons”.

Writer Victor Spar in his “Complete history of Freemasonry in one book” pointed out that the first reliable evidence of the existence of a secret society in our country is dated 1731, the year when the Great master “of all Russia” was appointed English captain, John Phillips. Since then, many members of the Russian aristocracy, scientists and artists had entered the ranks of the Freemasons — who out of curiosity, and who for ideological reasons.

As you know, from 1906 to 1911, in Moscow, opened worked, and Leonardo da Vinci, a member of which was E. I. Kamzolkin. According to the official version, the purpose of the Association was to promote young artists, assistance in conducting of exhibitions, seminars and lectures on art. Public figures do have organized several events in the cultural sphere.

However, the great Italian Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was from a not only a great painter. According to documents preserved in the archives of the Holy Inquisition, he was also Grand master of the secret organization “Priory of Sion”. And his Russian followers, among them E. I. Kamzolkin also not restricted to artistic research.

the Creator of the symbol of “Sickle and hammer”, according to his contemporaries, was well versed in the history and culture of Ancient Egypt, especially interested in the masons. The famous historian, Nikolai Albertovich Kuhn, author of many favorite books “Legends and myths of Ancient Greece,” called his friend, Yevgeny Ivanovich Kamzolkina genuine connoisseur of Egyptian mythology, based on the cult of the Sun God.

Secret value

Journalist Nargiz Asadova and philosopher Leonid Matsih in the book “legends of the mysterious Petersburg” described the occult meaning of the symbol “hammer and Sickle”. According to the authors, from the point of view of Freemasons, this sign carries a much deeper meaning than is commonly believed.

“Hammer is the final authority. It is an opportunity perto edalati reality, to create something out of nothing. To create the former from the former not. How does the blacksmith. He smelted iron, forging it. But iron is not found in nature. It connects the different elements. The hammer symbolizes the victory over the forces of space,” says the book.

And if the hammer is in the hands of a master provides him the opportunity to change the world for the better, the hammer gives the power to control time. Because it is in different cultures was perceived as a tool associated with the transition from life to death and Vice versa. The Slavic goddess Mara (Morena) is often depicted as a sickle in his left hand, medieval occultists painted Death with a traditional scythe, and sickle. The image of the harvest as the end of the world, there is in Christianity. In addition, it is a sickle killed his father Cronus ancient Supreme God Zeus.

“the Sickle and the hammer are at first glance tools. A look deeper it is a victory over space and time. When the hammer and sickle shining five-pointed star of wisdom, the sign takes on its great significance. With the help of reason and creative work will achieve true immortality. So it was a Masonic emblem,” — say the authors of the book “legends of the mysterious Petersburg”.

Hammer and sickle

If we talk about Egyptian mythology, which was interested in E. I. Kamzolkin, something similar to the traditional hammer and sickle can often be seen in the hands of the God Seth. And, it represents destruction and chaos, sandstorms and death.

Many researchers are ideologically distant from communism, and Freemasonry, often considered the symbol of “hammer and Sickle” sign of the destruction of the world and the victory of the forces of evil. Hammer they associate with the Scandinavian God Thor and Svarog Slavic Thunderer. In addition, in the ancient Indian and Chinese mythologies of the working tool is the triumph of destructive forces on the creative. It is noteworthy that the Hindu goddess Kali, as Slavic Mara, often on his images holding a sickle in his left hand.

However, not all experts are inclined a negative interpretation of this sign. For example, the author of the book “the power of symbols” Konstantin Klimovich does not see in it anything bad.

“the Usual we sign today is often called the symbol of destruction. It is assumed that in the past the enemies of the Russian land put in the SICKLE AND HAMMER some secret meaning to suit their own nefarious plans and ideas. But we know — it is a symbol of creation and labor. So we accepted it,” — said the writer.

Origanum Tanatarova

© Russian Seven

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