
Recent research has shown that the trend of designer vagina surgery, also known as labiaplasty, is on the rise among young people in Australia and around the world. This cosmetic procedure involves altering or removing tissues from the labia, driven by the influence of mainstream pornography and social media.

A study conducted by Women’s Health Victoria and YouGov revealed that over 500,000 Australians have either had or considered undergoing labiaplasty. The Real Bodies report surveyed individuals aged 18 to 50 about their attitudes towards their genitalia, highlighting that a significant percentage felt anxious, unhappy, or embarrassed about the appearance of their labia.

Despite advancements in conversations around sex and body positivity, there is still a lack of dialogue surrounding labia diversity. Many individuals, especially from the younger generation, are unaware of the variations in the appearance of labia and often resort to online sources, including porn, to form their perceptions.

The study found that a substantial number of respondents, influenced by images and videos online, considered undergoing labiaplasty. The prevalence of unrealistic body standards portrayed in pornographic content and social media platforms contributes to a distorted view of what genitalia “should look like,” leading to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity among young people.

Experts and medical professionals are calling for more inclusive sexual education in schools to combat the impact of pornographic content on body image perceptions. It is essential to promote discussions that normalize and celebrate the diversity in the appearance of vulva and labia, emphasizing that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Additionally, the study highlighted that women’s concerns about the appearance of their labia have led to delays in seeking medical help for sexual and reproductive issues. This underscores the urgent need to address the societal pressures and stigmas associated with genital appearance, ensuring that individuals feel comfortable and empowered in their bodies.

Dr. Melissa Kang, a specialist in adolescent sexual health, emphasized the importance of educating young women and girls about the diversity and uniqueness of labia. By fostering open conversations and dispelling myths surrounding genital appearance, we can promote self-acceptance and body positivity among individuals of all ages.

In conclusion, the rising trend of designer vagina surgery among Gen Z necessitates a shift towards a more inclusive and body-positive approach to sexual education and discussions surrounding genital diversity. It is crucial to challenge unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by mainstream media and empower individuals to embrace their bodies in all their unique forms.