In the trend barometer from RTL and ntv, the Greens and the Left continue to decline. While the party of Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock is only just behind the SPD and AfD, the left is in danger of slipping into insignificance.

According to the current RTL/ntv trend barometer, the Greens’ party preferences improved by one percentage point to 14 percent, while the Left fell back below the 3 percent mark. This means that the share of other parties rises to 13 percent.

The values ​​of the other parties remain unchanged. Both the Union parties CDU and CSU (32 percent) as well as the SPD (16 percent), the FDP (5 percent), the AfD (15 percent) and the BSW (5 percent) recorded the same level of support as a week ago.

If voters had to choose between Olaf Scholz, Friedrich Merz and Robert Habeck or Annalena Baerbock in the next federal election, the CDU candidate would be ahead. If Foreign Minister Baerbock stood for the Greens, the lead would even increase.

In the Scholz – Merz – Habeck constellation, 26 percent would currently choose Merz, 18 percent for Habeck and 17 percent for Scholz. In the Scholz – Merz – Baerbock constellation, Merz would have 29 percent this week, Scholz 20 and Baerbock 17 percent.