In the current ZDF political barometer, the Union is further ahead and is even winning. The AfD and the Greens lose, while the FDP makes gains and would make it into the Bundestag if there were a federal election on Sunday.
After its party conference last week, the Union made gains in ZDF’s current political barometer. If there were a federal election on Sunday, the CDU and CSU would get 31 percent – that’s one percentage point more than a week ago.
The AfD remains the second strongest force with 16 percent, but loses a point for the second time in a row. The SPD could still expect 15 percent, the Greens no longer. Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck’s party lost two points and only got 13 percent.
However, there is hope for the third traffic light party, the FDP. Thanks to one percentage point gained, the Liberals would reach five percent and would enter the Bundestag if there were a federal election on Sunday. The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance (five percent) and the Left (four percent) are unchanged.
When it comes to coalitions, there would be enough for two possible alliances if one takes into account that no party is considering a coalition with the AfD. A grand coalition between the Union and the SPD would have a majority, as would a black-green alliance.
Surf tip: Wahl-o-mat tested for European elections – All AIs vote for the same party – there can be two reasons for this