CDU presidium member Jens Spahn is calling on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to take action on Rwanda in order to be able to deport refugees to third countries following the British model.
“It is the only humanitarian solution,” said Spahn in an interview with “Stern”. Anyone who wants to stop dying in the Mediterranean must send a message to the world: “The risk is not worth it. Anyone who sets out on this path will not arrive in the EU, but in a safe third country.” There is an obligation to ensure protection for those being persecuted. “But a refugee has no right to choose the destination country for which they flee.”
Spahn traveled to Rwanda last week with a small delegation from the Union faction and met, among others, President Paul Kagame. “Rwanda is virtually the only stable and safe state in the region.” Above all, Rwanda is a country with migration experience and can be a partner on this issue, said Spahn. “Rwanda expressly wants to talk and negotiate with us. The topic should be a matter for the boss.”
The CDU politician criticized Chancellor Scholz for a lack of leadership in Germany and Europe. “He looks more like his own briefcase, which he now presents to us on TikTok, than a political leader. If there was just a spark of Gerhard Schröder from 2004 in Olaf Scholz, a lot would have been achieved.”