(Mexico City) Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has again complained to the United States that the US government is funding organizations opposed to his administration, this time in a letter to President Joe Biden.
The letter is dated Tuesday, the same day Mr. López Obrador met with a White House official. The Mexican leader had also addressed this subject in a diplomatic note two years ago, just before a virtual meeting with the vice-president of the United States, Kamala Harris.
In his letter, Mr. López Obrador states that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has for some time funded “organizations openly opposed to the legal and legitimate government”, an act which he describes as “interventionist”.
“I am certain that you are unaware of this issue and for this reason, I respectfully request your intervention,” reads the letter, which Mr. López Obrador read during a press briefing on Wednesday morning. .
USAID’s goals for Mexico focus on reducing “impunity, crime, and violence by limiting the operating space of organized crime in targeted areas,” according to its current development strategy.
Organizations the Mexican president has identified as opposition include the local branch of Article 19, an international free speech organization, which has deplored the number of journalists killed in Mexico.
López Obrador met with US Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall on Tuesday to discuss coordination ahead of the end of US asylum restrictions at their shared border.