Very popular in the area, The bullet is through the church: as of this morning, 6 hours in the final round of the competition, The Local 2019 is officially announced. Among those finalists, a remarkable amount of meat and meat dishes, but also typical of the Flemish, cakes, watercress, alcohol and ofkoffie are to be found among the competition. In addition, it shows the Flemish-goat cheese-and mustard, also have a place in the list. A great list of sweet and savoury, large and small,β says Jo Van Caenegem of the FLAME to be happy. βIt is very curious to see who the winner is!β
in The past two weeks have taught you in our magazine nearly 150 of Flemish regional products to know, and you could choose your favorite in the final vote. The match was a lot of brought about, in Flanders, it became clear to me. For example, there was the story of the butcher of Boutersem, which, since the contest is more of a black ‘boudin’ sausages are being sold than ever before. For customers who are on a special ‘boudin’ sausages, had to read it in the newspaper, drove for miles to get them to be able to taste it. In Kontich the crowd, the whole community is behind the Kontichse specfour, the mayor’s permit. And in Flanders, it flared in the debate on the Flemish regional products again.
Today, we have the products to make the final move. A great mix of products, which are typical for Flanders, zegtJo Van Caenegem of the FIRE.In the final match of the regional product 2019 16 regional winners in the national against each other. On Wednesday, the 18th of september to Thursday 26 september, yes and no, the APPROVE app, stemmenop the local product that you think would be the title of The most renowned regional product by 2019 are earned. On Saturday, the 28th of september, we will announce it in The News, on HLN.the be in of the APPROVE application.
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