Sex & Relationships, with 1 in 8 of the Belgians involved in regular OPTION. A type of love that you have each other and bind, dominates, degrades, or strikes. 7 out of the 10, there and fantasies about it. In deaflevering of the ‘ask us anything’ yesterday, Siska Schoeters it. We can help you with the help of seksuologe Sara Tales the 4 myths about the BDSM world. 1. BDSM is, and remains, very rare
“There is a big difference between kinky sex and BDSM ( bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism, ed.) , and in it you will find a wide range of possibilities”, he tells Tales. “The vast majority of the people of his or her spouse, though sometimes all the shit in the middle of sex, or a pair of fluffy handcuffs in the house, but that, I think, personally, that’s not the same thing as GAMES do. However, there is also that, thanks to the ‘Fifty Shades of Grey , is clearly on the rise.In a study in the 2017 and it appears that 68% of the population ever have a fantasy about BDSM, or has had, and 54% have ever tried, from 7 to 12% of the respondents to the survey reported on a regular basis, with the OPTION to be busy, and between 7 and 8% identify themselves as a GAY artist. If you have those figures look at it, you can’t possibly even imagine that it’s something rare it is. However, the question is though, what GAMES exactly to define. Because of how many whips you have in your home for you to PLAY and not to gay sex? That, in fact, no one yourself.”
2. There is something wrong with you if you like GAMES like
‘ People are often part of a single image in their mind of what sex looks like, to hear, to see, in the missionarispositie on the bed, where the man decides and the woman is hot and is moaning, but believe me: in a few households, it is also a real, so on. Those who have something else to desire, is as ill considered,as the science shows the contrary. The people who PLAY do so, tend to have fewer mental illnesses, have better in their own skin and tend to have a more stable and stronger relationship. They also have a good job, it may be just as well to your parents or work colleagues who you would never suspect it.”