Livios To put the finishing touches on the facade, a lot of self-builders, in spite of the many alternatives, you still get the brick. For a good result, a proper processing is required. But it may, in practice, it is already wrong. For both homebuilders, as with some of the contractors.Bouwsite Liviosvroeg to baksteenfabrikant and Pushes to be the most common metselzonden in a row. Mistake 1: not having an eye for detail and use
get The choice of facing bricks is often a reflection of your personality. You gevelmetselwerk so beautiful to look at, now and in the future. In addition to making the right choice, and it is, of course, crucial to get everything correct will be processed. In addition to the traditional building of brick slips (voegdikte 10 to 15 mm) you can also use other techniques, zoalsverlijmen and dunmetselen(voegdikte 5-8 mm).Read here to find out what the difference is.
Selection and processing of the stone,
But what is the stone to choose? Choose in any case to have a surface with a BENOR-quality label, then you can be sure of the quality. This quality mark proves that there is an external and independent audit has been done on the various gevelsteeneigenschappen.
Tip: do you Know about all the types of bricks? Check them out here.
Error 2: the mortar is not matched to the brick of the
Each of the bricks in a certain period of time, less or more water than any other brick and. If the mortar is not aligned with the sucking behaviour of neonates in the stone, and don’t risk your structural and aesthetic damage. As for the stone, the water is too fast to record, ‘burn’, the mortar is powdering and poor adhesion will result.
if you’re in a weak, porous kind of stone, then the stones begin to ‘drift’.Conclusion: make sure that you have the right mortelsoort to choose. The sucking behaviour of neonates in the stone is marked on the packaging or on the technical data sheet as ” initial water absorption’.
Mistake 3: improper preparation of the capture – and-use, use
The selection of constituents for the preparation of the mortelis is of utmost importance. The polluted water, and poor zandsoort, the wrong quantity, cement type and the addition of the non-adoption of appropriate fluxes (for example). washing up liquid are just as wrong proportions – is out of the question. This can result in the ‘drift’ of the stones, and at a reduced pressure and the bond strength of the mortar, and the visible pollution from the surface.Read here to find out how to get the cement and the mortar to be the best mix.
In the case of the colored voegsels, you should try to be inert pigments. This is sure to be a colour in the mass, and do not react with other substances. In this way you avoid differences in colour, and leaching.It is therefore recommended that, as much as possible, metkant-of-the-box fabrieksmortelte to work. You should have only water to be added to it. There are quite a few types of mortar, in which the color and the properties are adapted to the surface, and the type of processing, and the processing conditions.
Mistake 4: poor detailing of the facade
it is important to note that some of the special details the risks posed by any contamination. To take, in consultation with the architect and the measures to be adopted. The attention to detail is key to the prevention of, for example, the black stripes under the round windows and moss on the tuinmuurtjes. It is time to put down in order to waterconcentraties of the facade are to be avoided.