Nina cook, a decade after the introduction of sous-vide equipment for home chefs, it seems as though this gaartechniek is becoming more and more popular and to win big. The benefits? It is to be healthy, precise, and elegant.
For sous-vide cooking-cook your food slowly in vacuum bags in the hot water. This gaarmethode all the nutrients that retain the aromas don’t escape and prepared for the product is evenly distributed. After the water bath, bake your food in the pan, for a crispy exterior.
The water, is in the degree set. This is in contrast to traditional cooking, not the cooking, but the boiling temperature is the most important thing. A degree can make a big difference to the end result.
What’s the current interest is coming from? “The prices,” says hobby chef and the sous-vide expert, Stefan is a Farmer. “A sous-vide machine, it took the introduction of up to 600 euros. It was one of these things is a tremendous force in the kitchen sink.” In the meantime, there is a scaled-down version, with the ” sous-vide-drive. “It can be easy to store and you can buy it for $ 100. This is a great gift for under the christmas tree.”