The bag manufacturer Bree has requested the local court of Hamburg for the opening of insolvency proceedings in self-administration. Despite intensive efforts and a complete restructuring was not managed, the business is in the black due, it is said in a message of the company. Bree had moved in the past year, the company’s headquarters from Hannover to Hamburg and the number of employees decreased significantly.
in Addition, you have tried to increase by a modernisation of the shops, and a new online store sales, it said. The strategy had not worked out quickly enough. In the 30 branches of the business, although satisfactory, the proportion of online sales but is still at only five percent. “This is even for the most successful brand with a long tradition Bree too little to be able to survive.” Other bag manufacturers achieved currently, already 20 percent of its sales in the online business.
Bree was now on the search for a “strong, internationally successful Investor from the industry.” The task of the management is to find, together with the court-appointed administrator, such an Investor. The business will continue to run, wages and salaries are secured by the insolvency money.
According to media reports, Bree employs approximately 200 employees. The founder of the family, Bree is bailed out of the company. The shares are now in the wealth management of a family, who wants to remain anonymous.
insolvency proceedings in self-administration aims instead of a resolution on the restructuring of a company. The Executive Committee remains in office, but a Manager from the outside to the side. The old management, so that it retains large parts of the disposal, the company is protected from enforcement and enforcement measures by creditors.