the funding of The care system in Germany is for younger generations, an increasing load. This is the result of two recent studies of the Scientific Institute of the Private health insurance (WIP), which have been presented in Berlin.
The analyses of the Institute, according to the contribution rate for nursing care insurance, up to the year 2040 at a minimum of 4.1 percent. This increase will due to the demographic development in Germany. A computational example of this scenario show the different stress on the generations of A Person’s average contribution wage, which is born in 1989, to pay over the entire life period, more than 38,000 euros for care insurance contributions. This sum is 50 percent higher than the sum of the contributions from Insured persons, who came in 1966 to the world.
Should go back to the revenues of the insurance companies, while the expenses are rising, rising contribution rates in the coming years, according to the study, stronger: five to eight percent until 2040. The rising contributions could lead to the politically desired upper let limit of 40 percent of gross income for social security contributions does not hold.
another Problem is the so-called hidden debt of the social long-term care insurance: the future performance would be referred to promises that are not met by current contributions. Currently, this implicit debt is estimated at 435 billion euros, which should be a smaller and smaller number of Contribution payers, and payers.
The lump-sum discharge of older generations to be “socially questionable”
The WIP requested to review possible reforms to the care funding system is mandatory on sustainability and intergenerational justice. In the insurance system-scale lump-sum discharge of the older generations referred to the authors of the study as “socially questionable”: Contrary to the social perception of older people in Germany, on average, be made economically no worse than younger ones.
The completion of a nursing care insurance for all citizens in Germany is mandatory. In 2019, the contribution to the statutory nursing care insurance for children is lots of 3.3 per cent of the contributory income. A care insurance does not however cover all of the costs incurred by care: The average monthly cost of housing a Person in a care facility amount to the studies of the WIP that currently, about 1.790 Euro. This amount was not covered by nursing care insurance.
In Germany, 3.5 million people are officially considered to be in need of care. Around two-thirds are cared for at home.