environmentalists have now called for representatives of the agricultural economy is a fundamental Reform of the EU agricultural subsidies. The direct payments in the billions would have to be abolished, said the President of the German agricultural society (DLG) and of the organic cultivation Association Bioland, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.
“helps A flat-rate area aid at the end of only the Landlords, but the farmers”, said DLG President Hubertus Paetow. Yet big companies get a lot of money, since the subsidy amount is determined according to the processed area.
subsidies to environmental and animal protection-pair
Bioland-chief Jan Plagge said the payments would be linked to overall societal benefits of farming for the environment or animal welfare, but not on the surface.
The idea of the EU Commission to cap payments above a certain sum, refused Paetow and Plagge. “That would be a symbol of politics, because it’s not about the pure size of the farms,” said Plagge. Sustainability as the Central criterion for Funding would have to be in the center. Paetow said: “sustainability depends on the size of the farm.”
Up to 2034, the goal was not realistic, the subsidies, said Paetow. Until then, the companies had time to adapt to the changed conditions. We aimed for a more sustainable, accepted by society, as well as internationally competitive agriculture should be.
most Recently, the Green-affiliated Heinrich-Böll-Foundation and the nature conservation Organisation had criticised the FEDERAL government, which is currently almost 60 billion euros in funding per year would be mainly large industrial benefit operated. In the EU there is a debate about the distribution of agricultural funds, starting in 2021. On the surface of a binding is to be held according to the current plans.
The German agricultural society for more information about 30,000 members from the Agricultural and food sector. Bioland organic farming Association, according to its guidelines about 7.700 farmers, gardeners, wine-growers and beekeepers economies.