Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to increase the pensions of millions of low-wage earners. The coalition government argues about the Details, but in principle, it is agreed that those Who worked 35 or more years and contributions paid into the pension insurance, should in the future receive a minimum pension. The should be at least ten percent higher than the previous basic security in old age – and you should, at least, that the Minister would like to be automatically paid, without examination of the means of the applicant. Large parts of the Union are in order, however, does not agree.
labour Minister healing promotes his idea with the example of a low-labourer, receives, in spite of a long working life, only a very small pension. However, the concept is suitable according to Economists, only limited to the fight against poverty in old age – because a lot of people who are poor in old age, had to pay due to illness or long-term unemployment before, no possibility of decades in the pension insurance. For the backup of your subsistence is, therefore, also in the future the basic security necessary. You must, therefore, distinguish between basic security and basic pension.
552.650 people in the retirement age in the fall of 2018 the.
basic security can not apply for, who has in the pension age enough money to live on. Second group: those Who can’t work due to illness or disability normally get in Germany as a young person’s pension, the disability pension. To whom is not enough to live on, and may apply for basic security. Currently 517.816 younger people relate in this way, the basic security. For years, the absolute number of Beneficiaries is increasing and the recipients of continuously, within a year of around three percent. The state data of the Federal Statistical office.
However, this increase can easily be explained by the fact that there are a growing number of retirees and thus, more and more poor pensioners.
445 Euro basic security received eligible retirees in September 2018, on average,
445 euros per month, an average amount, because the amount is not for everyone or every the same. The level of basic security in old age and incapacity is carefully determined, similar as in the case of social assistance, according to a set of rules that is increased at the beginning of 2019. In addition to costs for accommodation and heating. An example of the social Association VdK from the year 2018, the state power can fail:
A 70-year-old Pensioner, who lives alone in a Two-room apartment in Cologne, Germany, has a basic security requirement in the amount of 944 Euro. It consists of the rule a need for stand-Alone plus rent, heating and utility costs. The woman receives 500 Euro pension. It is a basic backup claim of 451 euros.
3.000.000 people could benefit from the basic pension, possibly even four millions.
the calculations of the Ministry of labour are, anyway. Including also, but not only, the poor pensioners, who previously shied away from to date, a request for basic security. Economists estimate that a maximum of three-quarters of the pensioners who would actually be entitled to basic social security, out of shame or ignorance, not a request. If the healing is through, will get these people in the future, more pension is transferred, at least under the condition that they reach the 35 years of contributions. How many would that be, however, no credible estimates: according to Economists, there are no reliable data.
the dependency Would be assessed to the beneficiaries, as would the Union, could decrease the number of basic pension beneficiaries by dramatically: to around 130,000 people, as the unions have charged. Because then everyone would fall out of the basic pension, which only have low Pensions, but otherwise enough money. For example, because of the real estate belonging to, or because your spouse is financially good standing.
DGB-Board member Annelie colorful Bach also criticized the bureaucratic expenses, a means test would. Also, the German pension insurance had declared in November that the test is hardly practical.
896 Euro are to receive the threshold after exactly 35 years of contributions, a surcharge, if the pension under the
This is the SPD expects to see on your Homepage: Who to life after a long working less than 896 Euro pension, and should receive a surcharge. Workers who earned only the minimum wage, will receive a maximum appreciation of 447 euros per month. For example, concept of salvation, that a hairdresser who has paid 35 years of contributions into the pension Fund, in the future, a basic pension of just under 961 Euro – and not just 514 Euro as yet.
2.250.000 women could benefit, according to the Ministry of labour of the basic pension, and possibly three million
three-quarters of all beneficiaries, because women especially are often low pensions. The reasons, according to the social Association VdK: they are more likely to work in part-time work and have more children education or care of times in their life cycles. Euro cost per year could cause the value of the basic pension
The Ministry of labour expects that costs in the mid single digit billions per year. Exactly, the amount can not be calculated currently, because it is unclear how high the number of Beneficiaries is to be exact. Politicians of the CDU and the CSU alert – even in the face of the SPD Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, recognized billion hole in the budget – much too high a cost. In the future, each basic application for a pension would be assessed on the actual needs of the applicant, then the cost would be only about 200 million euros. The Bild-Zeitung, which cites Figures from the German pension insurance reports. The press service of the German statutory pension insurance scheme was not able to confirm these Figures.
20 percent of new pensioners could be in the year 2020 poverty will be
this is the result researchers at the centre for European economic research (ZEW) and the German Institute for economic research (DIW), in a study commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation. They measured the risk of poverty on the basis of the current ratio, the are at risk, according to the people than poverty, if your weighted disposable income is less than 60 percent of the median income in the population. This is currently the case on 16 percent of all pensioners.
The risk to life in old age in poverty is increasing in Germany in the future. As the reasons for which researchers call “mini-jobs”, longer and longer periods of unemployment and low wages. Single women, the long-term unemployed and low-skilled to wear them according to the greatest risk of poverty. Also in Eastern Germany the risk to be poor in old age is higher, because more people have biographies as in the West, interrupted Acquisition.
the lowest risk was in individuals who were employed at least 35 years in full-time work. The basic protection ratio, the researchers give for the year 2036, with 1.8 percent.
the results of The ZEW study make it clear: Against old-age poverty salvation, the basic pension would, if you come, then, and only a limited effect. Samuel Beuttler-Bohn, pension expert of the social Federation VdK, said: In many cases, the old-age poverty would have no Chance to get on 35 the pension contribution years.
“The main factor for poverty in old age is nowadays incapacity,” says Beuttler Bohn. Who get a pension due to incapacity, you have no way of reserves for old age – let alone for 35 years in the pension Deposit. “These people would not benefit from the salvation of Reform,” says Beuttler-Bohn. Also Housewives, the slipped in the old age due to divorce or the death of a spouse in poverty, had nothing of the salvation of the basic pension.
“The basic pension is not the primary goal, to combat poverty in old age,” says Beuttler-Bohn. “It’s about the respect for the power of those who have worked all their lives.”