Contents page 1 — A fast Internet connection is as necessary as electricity and water page 2 — The artificial intelligence is one of the key technologies On a page read
The Federal government advises on Wednesday and Thursday in Potsdam about their digitisation strategy. Minister of justice, Catherine Barley, Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, and Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, said there is five points, which are from the point of view of the SPD is crucial for the digitization.
“Digital is better.” No one in business or politics, may waive this rate. However, the digitisation, there is not. We are experiencing radical technological changes, the changing economy, the world of work, and our democratic culture. But there is no natural violence, that is breaking over us, but it is customizable changes. This is why we need a democratic agreement on how we want to this of our norms and values and challenging technology deal. Naive faith in Technology is just as wrong as the escape in denial. Digitisation is not an end in itself. We propose five principles in order to structure the debate on digitisation:
firstly, A fast Internet connection is as necessary as electricity and water
enough with the excuses: Digital infrastructure is the Central prerequisite for digitisation. Like electricity or running water, quick Internet is an indispensable public Good. The is not given equal conditions in access to digital infrastructure, this encourages the drifting Apart of our society. Network and educational infrastructure must be significantly expanded so that all citizens can benefit in Germany from the digital change. With the funds, Digital infrastructure, which is financed from the revenues from the award of the 5G frequencies, supports the Development of glass-fiber-Gigabit networks in rural regions and the improvement of digital infrastructure for schools advanced. In 2018, we will provide € 2.4 billion fast-start funding available.
Secondly, the right of a sovereign to take part in the digitized world of work
The work changes, but they are not us. Only in very few Professions, all activities will be replaced by machines, but in almost all Professions, some are automated. This provides the workers on the new requirements. The majority of those who will work in 2030 is already in the working life. Only through broad access to education and training, we can all take part in the digitized world of work. Our qualification chance act is a first step: Employees affected by structural change through digitalization, can be promoted in the training better. The training advice in the case of the Federal employment Agency will be strengthened.
Katarina Barley
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the challenge of digital Transformation, we need further ideas like the right to training and an “opportunity account”, with the qualification and professional development be adequately funded. In addition, it needs to be to get a good job and improve by means of new technologies, the quality of work. An Erosion of the social rights that are associated with the classical employment relationship, we need to prevent.
Hubertus Heil
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The mediation of the self-employed, work on digital platforms such as Helpling, or Deliveroo does not need to be a Problem, if this is also wanted by the workers. A compulsory old-age insurance for the self-employed is an important step to prevent protected Posts are replaced by less secure work and the public business, – subsidised models, which are based on social security claims can be avoided.
Thirdly, The strength of our small and medium-sized economic structure and fair competition to secure
Along the Pacific coasts of digital pioneers are pushing ahead with the economic and social order, which must be described as a libertarian (California) or totalitarian (China). For us Europeans it is a question of a value model in Europe. We need an operating system for the digital social market economy, based on participation, and public welfare, fair competition and consumer protection. Only then will we create in the society the necessary acceptance for the digital change.
Olaf Scholz
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We, our grown, a mixed economy will need to develop structure. This also includes the promotion of digital business models and collaborative platforms, whether as cooperatives or otherwise organized, able to compete with the global monopolists.