Sunday, June 21, oberstab the Novosibirsk region has reported 105 new cases of coronavirus. For all the time of the pandemic in the region identified 5033 patient with a confirmed diagnosis, 2769 of which recovered, and 70 died.
Tell you what else happened in the country and in the city over the past day.
in the Novosibirsk region has died two patients with coronavirus;a young Siberian girl, who is now in hospital No. 11 with pneumonia, told how things work in the hospital, than it is treated and how doctors fight the epidemic;random Novosibirsk told me NGS, how will you spend your vacation in an era of coronavirus; relatives of the nurse who was in “memory List” of physicians who died during the pandemic coronavirus, told how she struggled with her illness and why she could not win;
Vladimir Putin awarded three Novosibirsk physicians and 65 employees “Vector” for the fight against coronavirus;the researchers plan to complete preclinical testing of a vaccine against coronavirus by early August.
NGS continues to chronicle the pandemic online.