Yeltsin justified the demolition of the Ipatiev house, where the executed Nicholas II

History 16/02/20 Yeltsin justified the demolition of the Ipatiev house, where they executed Nicholas II

on 23 September 1977, the house in Sverdlovsk, where he was executed the Royal family, was razed to the ground. Today, the decision of the Soviet authorities has been controversial. Is it a historic building, someone hurt?

a House with a difficult fate

the Demolished house was on the corner of Karl Libnekht and Clara Zetkin (before the revolution, the intersection of Voznesensky Prospekt and Voznesensky pereulok). It was built in the late 1880-ies and purchased a civil engineer by Mykola Ipatieva in 1908. In April 1918 the mansion was requisitioned by the Bolsheviks for the content delivered to Ekaterinburg from Tobolsk Royal family and its entourage.

Immediately after the execution of the Romanovs, occurred in the night from 16 to 17 July 1918, the house was returned to Ipatieva. Five days later entered the city the white part. The government of Alexander Kolchak decided to buy the mansion in public ownership and even paid the audience into exile Ipatiev advance. However, fully pay to the engineer not managed: the government again fell to the Bolsheviks.

Since 1922, Ipatiev house was located student hostel of the University and the apartments of Soviet officials. For some time there was even a children’s garden, and in the basement, where they executed the Royal family with a baby shower. In 1927 the building was decided to open the Museum of the Revolution, and in the basement to restore the wall, near which the shooting occurred, as true was dismantled and carried off by the retreating whites.

In 1938 the house was occupied by exhibition of anti-religious and cultural-educational Museum, at the same time there were offices of different departments. Since the beginning of the 1970s was brought here by a branch of the Chelyabinsk Institute of culture: hit the basement, the students staged performances, as evidenced by surviving photos.

Morbid interest

26 July 1975 was a turning point in the fate of the Ipatiev house. On this day, from the KGB to the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee left a secret note No. 2004-A “On the demolition of the Ipatiev mansion in the city of Sverdlovsk”. It makes sense to give the document in full:
“anti-Soviet circles in the West, periodically inspired by various propaganda campaigns around the Romanov’s Imperial family, and in this context it is often referred to the former mansion of the merchant Ipatiev in Sverdlovsk. Ipatiev house continues to stand in the centre of the city. It is educational item of the regional Department of culture. Architectural and other values, the mansion is not, are interested only a small part of citizens and tourists. Recently, the Sverdlovsk began to visit foreign experts. Further the circle of foreigners may increase substantially, and the Ipatiev house will be the object of their serious attention. In this regard, it seems appropriate to entrust the Sverdlovsk regional Committee of the CPSU to resolve the issue of the demolition of the mansion in the planned reconstruction of the city. The draft Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee is attached. Please consider”. The document was signed by Chairman of the KGB Yuri Andropov.

the Prosecutor General’s office Vladimir Solovyov involved in the 1990-ies investigating the murder of the Royal family, was told that the KGB had heard rumors, like every year on the day of death of the Romanov some people come to the Ipatiev house, the cross and the candles. All this power was called “morbid interest” and was qualified as “anti-Soviet demonstrations”. Pilgrimage party bosses could not allow.

July 30, 1975, the Politburo discussed the note and almost all the staff (except those who were on vacation, a business trip or was absent due to illness) voted for. The Museum’s Director, as soon as he learned of the impending demolition, and gave the command to save what you can carry.

it is impossible to Resist

Elimination of the Ipatiev house was entrusted to the local authorities. The order was carried out the First hRegistrar Sverdlovsk regional party Committee Boris Yeltsin. “It was impossible to resist, will celebrate then Boris, not to execute the Ruling of the Politburo? Gathered equipment and in one night destroyed. In case of refusal I would have remained without work, and the new Secretary would still have executed the order” – summed up Yeltsin.


interestingly, according to the renovation plan, which was officially explained by the demolition of the Ipatiev house, the destruction was to be a quarter representing historical and architectural value as an example of a typical merchant building of Ekaterinburg of the end of XIX — beginning of XX century. Experts say that destroying the whole neighborhood, authorities much difficult to find the exact place where the Ipatiev house. Apparently, “General reconstruction” and was it calculated.

Before the demolition of the house had time to examine the old lovers and just the curious. Many valuable interior parts (door handles, ovens decoration, the stucco from the walls, etc.) were made. By the way, at the opening of the floor in the room that housed the Grand Duchess, was found hidden under the baseboard and wrapped in newspaper gold bracelet with precious stones and the monogram “T”.

you Can save

In his memoirs, Yeltsin noted that the house was destroyed in one night, but in reality it equals to the ground within two days. Maybe he just forgot. Here’s what else is remarkable. The destruction of the mansion began on September 22, 1977, i.e. more than two years after the decision of the Politburo. The secret is the package for so long were brought to the Urals? No, he was brought in time.

the fact is that in 1975, the First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional party Committee was Yakov Petrovich Ryabov, Yeltsin succeeded him in this position only November 2, 1976. Reporters later asked the spectators why he was in no hurry to perform a higher order? “But where was I to hurry? The house stood in the valley, no one was hurt,” – said the former head of Sverdlovsk. According to Ryabov, he told subordinates that COHso be ready to plan the reconstruction of the entire neighborhood, then will make a decision on the demolition. There were rumors that Ryabov wanted to keep the house and connected to this, even Brezhnev. In any case, it is known that the demolition of the house opposed the representatives of the all-Union society of protection of monuments of history and culture, and Ryabov them promoted. Do not agree with the demolition of the historic buildings and many Communists who were not in the Politburo.


Perhaps this confrontation and contributed to the postponement. And it is not excluded that in Moscow in the end would forget about his decision, however, the new Secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional party Committee Boris Yeltsin took the initiative and brought it started to end. They say that Boris really wanted to Moscow and take this chance to him.

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