For any feat of Solzhenitsyn was awarded the order of the Great Patriotic

History 16/02/20 For any feat of Solzhenitsyn was awarded medals in world

To Alexander Solzhenitsyn from the Soviet era is firmly attached to the nickname “literary vlasovite”. However, the future Nobel laureate, along with millions of other soldiers defended the Soviet Union during the great Patriotic war, for which he was twice assigned to military awards.

the Order of the Patriotic war

the Morozov district military Commissariat of the Rostov region has urged the 23-year-old school teacher of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the army in autumn 1941. He himself by that time, wrote in one of his poems that he was “sick of the security and the home front.” The first time the rookie served as a driver in 74-m Guseva-transport battalion – the memories of those hungry months was reflected in the early novel “Love revolution”. In April 1942, Solzhenitsyn at his own request was sent to the 3rd Leningrad artillery school was evacuated to Kostroma. After the graduation in December 1942, Solzhenitsyn received the rank of Lieutenant, in the fall of 1943 he became senior Lieutenant, and in may 1944 was replaced on the captain’s shoulder straps. Being an officer, Solzhenitsyn was promoted to two awards. Original documents related to the awarding of the writer, can be seen today in the DoD database on the website “memory of the nation”.

the First award – the Order of the Patriotic war II degree, Solzhenitsyn has earned 10 Aug 1943. By the time he commanded the second battery sound intelligence 794-th separate army reconnaissance artillery battalion. His subordinates used the readings of Svecofennian in order to determine the location of enemy artillery by sound waves arising from the shots. Premium list Solzhenitsyn signed personally by the commander of the artillery of the 63rd army, General-major Semenov.

the paper noted that by adopting in early 1943 in brighell the new fighters by March, training completion, Solzhenitsyn was able to trust them with serious intelligence problem. From may to June, soldiers BZR-2, analyzing the collected data, discovered the whereabouts of a large group of German artillery in the area Malinovets – Setuju – Large Malinovets (Oryol oblast). During the June offensive of the three identified summerisle Solzhenitsyn Nazi battery was suppressed, and finally our artillery destroyed a group on 12 July. The award to Alexander Solzhenitsyn was awarded “for the successful and rapid training of personnel”, as well as for the successful detection of groupings of enemy artillery.

the Order of the red Star

In June 1944, when it was operation “Bagration”, the brigade, commanded by Solzhenitsyn, was in the area of the Belarusian Rogachev. Here sound the scouts scored again during the offensive, they Collected data helped provide a breakthrough on the left flank of the red Army.

It was about the destruction of two artillery batteries of the enemy, whose fire on 24 June did not give the Soviet infantry to hold the crossing the Drut river.

“Comrade Solzhenitsyn, despite all of the noise, managed to discover these two batteries and to adjust the fire of our three batteries (the batteries of the enemy) was suppressed, thus ensuring smooth transport of our troops and moving them forward. Comrade Solzhenitsyn is worthy of the governmental award order “Red Star”,– stated in the document signed by the commander HAPPY 68 A major Pshechenko (the syntax of the original retained).

in Spite of critics who claim that Solzhenitsyn actually “did not see the front” like any scout, he was in close contact with the enemy. The value of sound intelligence was highly valued and the army command.

“Based on the experience of the great Patriotic war, we can say that artillery instrumental reconnaissance plays a vital role in ensuring the combat of artillery and is one of the most important reconnaissance of enemy artillery,” wrote Colonel Aleksandr Talanov.

Reach Berlin captain Solzhenitsyn failed. He was arrested in February 1945 in East Prussia, and then began not military, and the camp epic writer.

Timur Sagdiyev

© Russian Seven

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