Vasily Margelov: as the "father" of the Soviet paratroopers commanded disciplinary battalion

Heroes 08/02/20 Vasily Margelov: as the “father” of the Soviet paratroopers commanded disciplinary battalion

Vasily Filippovich Margelov has always been distinguished by love for the discipline. And demanded the same from his players. But once Margelov was to command of the disciplinary battalion, which was dominated by real anarchy. However, “uncle Bob” is not confused, and sat down at the works of the famous teacher A. S. Makarenko. Though the commander still had at times to apply force.

the First disciplinary battalion

Many of you know Vasily Filippovich Margelov as commander of the airborne troops. However, “uncle Bob” was to command and the 15th separate disciplinary battalion, which, in fact, was the first disciplinary battalion in the red Army. For this position Margelov was appointed in October 1940, that is, according to Oleg Smyslov in his book “General Margelov”, after only a few months after the adoption of the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, according to which a disciplinary battalion sent soldiers convicted by the Tribunal for violations for the term of 6 months to 2 years.

At this time the battalion was dominated by a real anarchy: no order and no combat training. The first thing Margelov, no doubt by blows, dealt with the criminal, who illegally took over the command in part. Then he lined up the soldiers and encouraged them to redeem your transgressions by blood, and if need be – and life. Vasily Filippovich has promised that in case of rebellion will not spare anyone. As Margelov had large-scale educational work, he decided not to ignore the works of famous teachers. For a long time chief advisers Margelov began the book by Anton Makarenko.

Violators and guilt atone

a shining example of how discipline in the division was at that time shaken is the case described in the book of Boris Kostin and Alexander Margelov “General of the army Inasili Margelov”. As the authors write, before Vasily Lata came about that the political Kornienko and Romashko beat the average Simantov. While Kornienko even once shot up in alarm. Margelov demanded to encourage the instructors to answer. According to the minutes of the meeting of the special Commission convened on this occasion, the commander said that the army needs to educate “in the spirit of awareness, not him hitting me”. At the initiative of Vasily Margelov guilty Kornienko and Romashko was expelled from the party and deprived of command positions.

However, Margelov was fair and was able not only to punish, but to pardon. At that time, the commander could make decisions concerning enrollment in the lists of the permanent composition of those soldiers who made amends. So, in one of the orders of the “father of the airborne” means that the soldiers who have served one-third of the appointed time and showed a high level of discipline (including labour) may be deemed to be reformed.

the Beginning of the great Patriotic war

Vasily Margelov quickly brought Affairs in order in the disciplinary battalion. In particular, agreed with the nearest farms on the food supply, and also made a bath. The works of “uncle Vasya” were not in vain. According to Alexander Margelov on the pages of his book “Marine No. 1. Army-General Margelov”, the soldiers of the disciplinary battalion under the new commander perk, because he did not consider them outcasts.

But then came the Great Patriotic war. From its beginning Margelov with his soldiers didn’t break up. As stated in “the pride of the Soviet Belarus,” shortly after the announcement of the German attack Margelov was appointed commander of the 3rd infantry regiment of the 1st infantry division. It is noteworthy that the bulk of the regiment were the soldiers of the 15th separate disciplinary battalion. Vozmozhno, subsequently, some of them closed Vasily Filippovich his body during the artillery bombardment.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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