
The US State Department has taken a significant step by designating the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) as a terrorist organization, along with three of its top officials. This marks the second time in history that a foreign White supremacist group has been labeled as terrorists by the US government.

The NRM, a transnational neo-Nazi organization founded in Sweden in 1997, has branches in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland. Despite being banned in Finland in 2020, the group has continued its activities. The State Department has cited NRM for its involvement in committing or attempting acts of terrorism that pose a threat to the security of US nationals and the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States.

The designation of NRM comes at a time when White supremacist terror groups are viewed as a persistent threat both domestically and internationally. The US Intelligence Community’s 2024 Annual Threat Assessment highlighted the ongoing danger posed by racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists influenced by white supremacy. These groups have been linked to violence across various regions, including Europe, South America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, which could inspire lone actor or small-cell attacks with a significant impact on US persons.

The State Department has emphasized that NRM’s violent activities are rooted in racism, anti-immigrant sentiments, antisemitism, and anti-LGBTQI+ beliefs. Members of the group have been involved in violent attacks against political opponents, protestors, journalists, and others perceived as adversaries. Additionally, NRM has been engaged in weapons and explosive material collection and training in violent tactics like hand-to-hand combat and knife fighting.

The Biden administration’s decision to designate NRM as a terrorist organization demonstrates a commitment to countering domestic terrorism, particularly groups driven by racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism. This move aligns with the government’s efforts to address the transnational dimensions of the REMVE threat and disrupt the activities of such actors.

Furthermore, the State Department has highlighted the increasing trend of transnational linkages among extremist individuals and groups, facilitated by online and in-person communication channels. These actors are leveraging social media platforms, online gaming sites, smaller websites, and encrypted chat applications to recruit new followers, radicalize individuals, and disseminate violent ideologies. The government is focused on disrupting these networks and preventing the spread of extremist content that incites violence.

In conclusion, the designation of NRM as a terrorist organization not only restricts its members’ access to the US financial system but also aims to disrupt their international funding sources. By targeting the group’s financial capabilities, the US government seeks to hinder NRM’s ability to carry out its extremist activities and promote violence. This action underscores the government’s commitment to combating the threat of domestic terrorism and addressing the global reach of REMVE actors.