
I had the opportunity to sit down with Steve Bannon for an interview recently, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was talking to someone with revolutionary ideas, akin to Leon Trotsky before the Russian Revolution. Bannon, who was once a key figure in Donald Trump’s administration, has since positioned himself as a strategist and visionary for populist movements around the world.

During our conversation, Bannon confidently outlined his plans for how populist movements, like the ones that led to Brexit and Trump’s election, could continue to gain momentum globally. Despite our differing views, Bannon seemed unfazed by traditional conservatives and liberals, believing that they were on the decline.

As I caught up with Bannon more recently, he appeared to be even more emboldened, despite facing a four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. He continues to host a podcast and remains a prominent figure in the populist movement.

When discussing recent populist victories in various countries, Bannon pointed to a common theme: a loss of faith and confidence among the ruling elites in the West. According to him, these elites have become disconnected from the everyday experiences of their citizens, leading to a surge in populist movements around the world.

Bannon’s insights shed light on the global rise of populism and the challenges that traditional political systems are facing in the current landscape. As we navigate through uncertain times, understanding the underlying factors behind these movements becomes increasingly important.