
Finland has been named the happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report. However, despite this title, it is not common for Finns to smile at strangers on the street. In fact, it is seen as unusual and may even be met with suspicion. Ambassador Arto Haapea explains that the culture in Finland is different from countries like Australia, where people are more openly happy and welcoming.

The high happiness rating of Finland can be attributed to various factors. One key element is the strong sense of trust within Finnish society. Trust in institutions and in one another is prevalent, along with shared values of human dignity, mutual respect, and equality. Additionally, Finland’s focus on social security systems and work-life balance contributes to overall wellbeing.

Despite being a happy nation, Finland has faced a significant threat in recent years with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This event has prompted Finland to reevaluate its defense strategies and ultimately led to the decision to join NATO. The situation in Ukraine has raised concerns about Russian aggression and the need for increased security measures in Europe.

Similarly, Sweden, Finland’s Nordic neighbor, has also faced challenges with Russian aggression. The Swedish Defense Minister acknowledges the need for stronger defense systems and increased military spending in response to Russia’s actions. Both Finland and Sweden emphasize the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of shared security threats.

As Finland and Sweden navigate these challenges, they are also looking to strengthen relationships with like-minded partners such as Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Canada. The concept of indivisible security has become increasingly important, linking European and Indo-Pacific security concerns.

Despite the looming threat of Russia, Finland and Sweden have maintained their top happiness rankings. This resilience and determination in the face of danger demonstrate the resolve of these nations to confront challenges head-on. While they may not be smiling, it is clear that they are facing adversity with courage and determination.