Global News Editor

Global News Editor
Four men have been charged in connection with the so-called Panama Papers. The indictment is the first of the US authorities, which goes back to the scandal. The Department of justice in Washington announced that the accused...
US President Donald Trump has threatened trade dispute with China, despite the recent rapprochement in trade disputes, with "significant duties". He would not then occupy the Chinese import goods with the duty, if there is agreement with...
The US President Donald Trump threatened duties could be averted. The top managers of the big German car companies from going to a Meeting with the American head of state. made According to Volkswagen...
Friedrich Merz wants to use the stock market in order to strengthen pension provision in Germany. His proposal: The policy aims to make citizens buy shares, for tax purposes, better – for example the annual exemption amount,...
The Volkswagen group has specific goals for the phase-out of gas technology announced. "In the year 2026 the last platform, which has CO2-neutral potential, which can generate CO2-neutral vehicle start, their last production," said VW chief strategist...
The rapid introduction of a tax on digital companies such as Facebook and Google in Europe has failed for the time being. The EU Finance Ministers could not agree on a common Position. A German-French proposal met...
Toyota makes up its cooperation with the German environmental aid will expire. The company spokesman Thomas scarf, Berger said TIME ONLINE, and thus confirmed a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The group had worked for twenty...
Contents page 1 — Poland, coal is scarce and expensive, page 2 — renewables are cheaper On a page coal exit reading can be a lot of fun. For example, in the brand new leisure pool, the town...
Against the Backdrop of the US President Donald Trump threatened special duties on car imports will meet this Tuesday, Manager of German auto companies, members of the US government to engage in talks at the White house....
The German armaments group Rheinmetall's supplies of Saudi Arabia, a media report says that despite the German export stops with ammunition. As the star and the ARD Munich magazine Report reports, running deliveries to subsidiaries in Italy...


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