To the best of the web, A new week, a new maandagpuzzel. Turn off your brain and have a blast with this puzzle is the idea of “the official CIA quizboek”. Are you smart enough to be a secret agent?
for Four weeks, you get a puzzle out, “Are you smart enough to be a secret agent? The official CIA quizboek”, a book of over a thousand riddles, brain teasers, and other questions, and for those who dream of a career as a modern-day spy. This week: the theft of the safe deposit box.
Can’t find the code for the safe, crack it, and the documents will get out of it?With the exception of the three numbers are all the numbers on the outer ring of a combination lock with each other.
Can you figure out what the numbers are and what are the , , the three numbers are covered? , Enter the three numbers to the safe teopenen.